3.5 Magic Item Slots

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  2. Item Slots Wow
  3. D&d 3.5 Magic Item Slots
  4. Dnd 3.5 Magical Affinity
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Some magic items can have specific additional benefits when worn or wielded together. These item sets are collections of thematically aligned equipment whose magical properties can resonate with each other to make the set greater than the sum of its parts. Set bonuses are cumulative; for example, a character who wears four pieces of a set gains the listed benefits for having two, three, and four of the items. If a set modifies a class feature or ability, the wearer must have this class feature or ability to gain this benefit; for example, a character wearing at least three pieces of Set 1 (see below) must be able to cast 3rd-level spells to gain the additional 3rd-level spell slot.

Starmantle 3.5

While some GMs may introduce these set bonuses as a unique reward for players in their campaigns, any character can take the Collector’s Boon and Improved Collector’s Boon feats to access the benefits of these equipment sets.

Items are divided by item slot, much like they were in D&D 3.5 (though it took until Magic Item Compendium for the system to be quantified clearly). As before, you can only wear one item in each slot. The number of slots has been reduced (by combining slots that were similar), to keep the number of items manageable and easy to remem-ber. Each location on the body, or body slot, has one or more affinities: a word or phrase that describes the general function or nature of magic items designed for that body slot. Body slot affinities are deliberately broad, abstract categorizations, because a hard-and-fast rule can’t cover the great variety among wondrous items.

GMs can also increase the rarity of these items by waiving the requirement of having the Collector’s Boon and Improved Collector’s Boon feats and instead requiring the set to consist of specific pieces of equipment rather than any item of that type; for example, instead of any greater caster’s shield forming a piece of the Set 1 (below), perhaps only a greater caster’s shield crafted and used by a legendary old mage, can be used to complete the set.

Set 1

Caster’s Shield, Greater: For each additional piece of the set you wear or wield, the maximum spell level of scroll you can inscribe on this shield increases by 1.

Magician’s Hat: While you are wearing and wielding all five pieces of this set, you can use this hat’s ability to shift metamagic feats two additional times per day.

Ring of Counterspells: While you are wearing and wielding all five pieces of this set, you can store a second spell of 1st through 6th level inside this ring.

Robe of the Archmagi: For every two additional pieces of the set you wear or wield, the spell resistance granted by these robes increases by 1.

Staff of Power: For every two additional pieces of this set you wear or wield, the enhancement bonus of this staff increases by 1. While you are wearing and wielding all five pieces of the set, the staff of power automatically regains 1 charge every 24 hours (to a maximum of 10 charges).

  • Two-Item Benefit: While you are wearing or wielding at least two pieces of this set, your caster level for all arcane spellcasting classes you have levels in increases by 1.
  • Three-Item Benefit: While you are wearing or wielding at least three pieces of this set, you gain one additional 3rd-level spell slot for one arcane spellcasting class you have levels in.
  • Four-Item Benefit: While you are wearing or wielding at least four pieces of this set, you gain one additional 4th-level spell slot for one arcane spellcasting class you have levels in.
  • Five-Item Benefit: While you are wearing and wielding all five pieces of this set, you gain one additional 5th-level spell slot for one arcane spellcasting class you have levels in.

Set 2

Belt of Fallen Heroes: For every two additional pieces of this set you wear or wield, the insight bonus on saving throws granted by this belt increases by 1.

Daystar Half-Plate: For every two additional pieces of this set you wear or wield, the enhancement bonus of this suit of armor increases by 1.

Ring of the Ecclesiarch: For every two additional pieces of this set you wear or wield, you can use this ring to use prayer one additional time per day.

Sun Blade: For every two additional pieces of this set you wear, the enhancement bonus of this weapon increases by 1; this also improves the increased enhancement bonus when using it against evil creatures.

Winged Boots: For every two additional pieces of this set you wear or wield, you can use these boots to fly one additional time per day.

3.5 d&d magic items
  • Two-Item Benefit: While you are wearing or wielding at least two pieces of this set, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on saving throws against negative energy or death effects.
  • Three-Item Benefit: While you are wearing or wielding at least three pieces of this set, the circumstance bonus on saving throws against negative energy or death effects increases to +2.
  • Four-Item Benefit: While you are wearing or wielding at least four pieces of this set, you gain a +4 circumstance bonus on Will saving throws against fear effects.
  • Five-Item Benefit: When wearing and wielding all five pieces of this set, once per day as an immediate action you can maximize the effects of a single healing effect targeting you, treating all dice rolled as part of the effect as though they had rolled the maximum possible value.

Set 3

Boots of the Cat: For every additional piece of this set you wear, you treat all falls as of they were 10 feet shorter.

Cloak of the Bat: For every two pieces of this set you wear, the duration you can use this cloak to fly at a given time increases by 1 minute.

Eyes of the Eagle: For every additional piece of this set you wear, the competence bonus of these lenses increases by 2.

Greater Monkey Belt: While you are wearing all four pieces of this set, the enhancement bonus of this item increases by 2 and you gain a 20-foot climb speed.

  • Two-Item Benefit: When wearing at least two pieces of this set, you gain the wild empathy class feature, treating your character level as your druid level.
  • Three-Item Benefit: When wearing at least three pieces of this set, you can cast beast shape II once per day as a spell-like ability, treating your character level as your caster level.
  • Four-Item Benefit: When wearing all four pieces of this set, you gain the animal focus class feature with an effective hunter level equal to your character level – 4. You can only use this ability on yourself in 1-minute increments and not an any animal companion you may have. The animal focus class feature you gain from this equipment set is separate of that from any other source.

Set 4

Bracelet of Bargaining: For each additional piece of this set you wear or wield, the Will saving throw DC to resist this item’s ability to detect deceit increases by 1.

Disarming Blade: For every two additional pieces of this set you wear or wield, the enhancement bonus of this weapon increases by 1 and you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on combat maneuver checks to disarm.

Enchanted Eelskin: For every two additional pieces of this set you wear or wield, the enhancement bonus of this suit of armor increases by 1.

Jellyfish Cape: For every two additional pieces of this set you wear or wield, the electricity damage dealt by this item’s tentacles increases by 1d4 and the DC to resist being sickened by their sting increases by 1.


Sea Tyrant’s Patch: While you are wearing and wielding all five pieces of this set, you can use this item’s ability to use mass charm monster one additional time per day.

Item Slots Wow

  • Two-Item Benefit: While you are wearing or wielding at least two pieces of this set, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on Acrobatics checks to balance and Swim checks.
  • Three-Item Benefit: While you are wearing or wielding at least three pieces of this set, the circumstance bonus on Acrobatics checks to balance and Swim checks increases to +2.
  • Four-Item Benefit: While you are wearing or wielding at least four pieces of this set, you gain a +10-foot enhancement bonus to your swim speed if you have one.
  • Five-Item Benefit: While you are wearing and wielding all five pieces of this set, the enhancement bonus to your swim speed (if any) increases to +20.

Set 5

Deliquescent Gloves: For every two additional pieces of this set you wear, you deal an additional 1d6 points of acid damage when using these gloves to make a melee touch attack.


Demon Armor: For every two additional pieces of this set you wear, the enhancement bonus of the claws granted by this dread suit of armor increases by 1.

Ring of Retribution: For every two additional pieces of this set you wear, the DC to resist this ring’s fire damage effect increases by 1.

Shadowform Belt: For each additional piece of this set you wear, you can use this item’s ability to become incorporeal for 1 additional round per day.

3.5 magic item slots

Shirt of Immolation: For each additional piece of this set you wear, this shirt can stay ignited for 1 additional round per day.

  • Two-Item Benefit: While you are wearing at least two pieces of this set, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks.
  • Three-Item Benefit: While you are wearing at least three pieces of this set, you gain fire resistance 5.
  • Four-Item Benefit: While you are wearing at least four pieces of this set, the granted fire resistance increases to 10.
  • Five-Item Benefit: While you are wearing all five pieces of this set, you gain immunity to fire damage.

Set 6

Bodywrap of Mighty Strikes: For every additional piece of this set you wear, you can add this item’s enhancement to one additional attack and damage roll per round.

Monk’s Robe: While you are wearing all three pieces of this set, the bonus to AC you gain from your effective monk levels granted by this item increases by 2, exceeding the monk’s AC bonus maximum of +5 if applicable.

Necklace of Ki Serenity: For every additional piece of this set you wear, you increase this item’s bonus by 1.

  • Two-Item Benefit: When wearing at least two pieces of this set, you gain a +4 insight bonus to CMD.
  • Three-Item Benefit: When wearing all three pieces of this set, your base speed increases by 10 feet.

Set 7

Cassock of the Clergy: For every two additional pieces of this set you wear or wield, you can use bless and sanctuary one additional time per day, and the DC for sanctuary spells cast in this way increases by 2.

Deathwatch Eyes: For every two additional pieces of this set you wear or wield, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on Perception checks.

Ring of the Grasping Grave: For every two additional pieces of this set you wear or wield, the melee touch attack granted by this ring deals an additional 1d6 points of positive energy damage to undead on a successful attack.

Spirit Blade: For every two additional pieces of this set you wear or wield, you can use this blade’s ability to dispel magic one additional time per day.

Staff of Souls: While you are wearing and wielding all five pieces of this set, you can expend 2 charges from this staff to cast undeath to death.

  • Two-Item Benefit: When wearing or wielding at least two pieces of this set, you gain a +1 circumstance on saving throws against death effects.
  • Three-Item Benefit: When wearing or wielding at least three pieces of this set, you gain a +1 circumstance on saving throws to resist energy drain.
  • Four-Item Benefit: When wearing or wielding at least four pieces of this set, the circumstance bonuses on saving throws to resist death effects and energy drain increase to +2.
  • Five-Item Benefit: When wearing and wielding all five pieces of this set, you gain immunity to death effects.

Set 8

Haunted Shoes: For every two additional pieces of this set you wear or wield, you can use each of the abilities granted by these shoes one additional time per day.

D&d 3.5 Magic Item Slots

Mask of the Skull: For each additional piece of this set you wear or wield, the AC and hardness of this mask increase by 1 and it gains 5 additional hit points.

Ring of Rat Fangs: For each additional piece of this set you wear or wield, the bite attack granted by this ring deals 1 additional point of bleed damage.

Robe of Bones: For every two additional pieces of this set you wear or wield, this robe regenerates one expended undead per hour. Creating more than two of any single type of undead with this robe destroys the first undead of that type you created.

Void Scythe: For every two additional pieces of this set you wear or wield, the enhancement bonus of this weapon increases by 1, and the DC to resist negative levels imposed by this blade increases by 1.

  • Two-Item Benefit: While you are wearing or wielding at least two pieces of this set, you begin overflowing with dark power, adding 1 point of negative energy damage to each of your melee attacks. This negative energy damage cannot heal creatures that are healed by negative energy.
  • Three-Item Benefit: While you are wearing or wielding at least three pieces of this set, the negative energy added to your melee attacks increases to 5 points.
  • Four-Item Benefit: While you are wearing or wielding at least four pieces of this set, you gain a +1 profane bonus on attack rolls.
  • Five-Item Benefit: While you are wearing and wielding all five pieces of this set, you are imbued with the powers of undeath and react to negative and positive energy as though you were undead; you are healed by negative energy and harmed by positive energy.

Dnd 3.5 Magical Affinity

Pathfinder Player Companion: Chronicle of Legends © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Calder CaDavid, Vanessa Hoskins, Mike Kimmel, Isabelle Lee, Matt Morris, Mikhail Rekun, and Michael Sayre.