Cascina Ovi

At the start of the seventh edition COPYRIGHT AFTERNOON. PERFUMES LITERARY from Sunday, March 6, 2011

Covid, al via i tamponi rapidi antigenici a Cascina Ovi La Scuola Santa Rita si rinnova e apre le porte: Open Day e visite “in presenza” Covid-19, il sindaco: «Tamponi rapidi al centro civico di Redecesio e a Cascina Ovi, si parte». La riqualificazione dell’area di Cascina Ovi, posta sotto vincolo dal Ministero dei beni culturali e architettonici di Roma, ha permesso di recuperare, mantenendone e rispettandone. It is a historical farmhouse complex (Cascina) very nicely restored. The restaurant is furnished in a modern and elegant style that makes the guests comfortable. The menu respects the traditional Sardinian cuisine but revisited in a new sight. Italian in Segrate, Milano.

Cascina Ovi Tripadvisor

La Biblioteca Comunale di Segrate e l'Associazione D come Donna Onlus vi invitano alla settima edizione dei 'Pomeriggi d'Autore - Profumi letterari'.
Menu Sarà un piacere presentarvi le scrittrici Daniela Dawan e Anna Vanzan .
Ci sarà un servizio di vendita dei libri delle autrici, e per ogni informazione sarà presente il personale della Biblioteca e le socie di D come Donna.
Gli incontri saranno arricchiti dalle letture di Noemi Bigarella e, al termine, da un rinfresco.
Anche quest'anno gli incontri avverranno nella prestigiosa sede del centro civico House of Ovi, which is located in the corner of Via Via Olgiate Cassanese, right in front of all'Esselunga Segrate-Laundries. This
the schedule of meetings, free admission to all:
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Civic Center 'Ovi House', via Olgiate / ang. via Cassanese - 15.30-Segrate (MI)
'Do not say that with time you forget,' DANIELA Dawan, Marsilio Editore.
will present the author.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Civic Center 'Ovi House', via Olgiate / ang. via Cassanese - 15.30 - Segrate (MI)
'Women of Allah. Travel in Islamic feminism,' ANNA Vanzan, Addison .

will present the author

Cascina Ovi

Readings Noemi Bigarella
Refreshments after each meeting Cascina ovi di segrate
They present authors: Louis Favalli ( D as a literary consultant Donna), Raffaella Vigilante (director of public library Segrate)
Organization Municipal Library Association of Segrate and D as Donna Onlus
Daniela Dawan was born in Tripoli, where he lived his early childhood. On June 5, 1967, to the tragic events resulting from the Six-Day War in the Middle East, had to leave town forever, and she returned to Italy with his family. She lived in Rome, and then moved to Milan, she graduated in Law. Later, he lived in Brussels and the United States. He currently lives and works in Milan. Criminal lawyer is the author of several books on criminal law. The love for writing was always with her, and also encouraged by a national literary awards in the competition as Donna D for the short story Highlands (2007), wrote his first novel, Do not say that over time you forget published in 2010 by Marsilio.
Anna Vanzan is un'iranista Islamologist and Italian. She graduated in Oriental Languages u200bu200bat the University of Venice, a Ph.D. in Near Eastern Studies at New York University and does extensive research in particular relations between Iran and the West. Currently he teaches Islamic culture and Arab culture at IULM Milan University of Milan.
and editor of 'Africa & the Orient' and writes for many other Italian and foreign magazines, including 'Genesis', 'Pakistan Journal of Women Studies' and 'East'. The author also of many essays, in 2006 he received the fief of La Maida veiled history. Women of Islam in the imaginary Italian (2006). In 2009 he published the Daughters of Scheherazade. Iranian writers of the nineteenth century.
His latest is Women of Allah, travel in Islamic feminism.

Cascina Oviedo

Public Library
Via degli Alpini 34-20090 Segrate (MI) ITALY Tel +39 02 21870035
; Fax: +39 02 2139938 E-mail
: ; biblioteca@comune.segrate ..
D as Donna Onlus
Association c / o Civic Center House New
Via degli Alpini 34-20090 Segrate (MI) ITALY Tel 2002 2133039
E-mail: @ dcomedonna.segrate