Ocasio 1997

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Attention to Attention
Vol. 22, No. 5, New Perspectives in Organization Science (September-October 2011), pp. 1286-1296 (11 pages)
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Organizational theory and research has increased attention to the determinants and consequences of attention in organizations.Attention is not, however, a unitary concept but is used differently in various metatheories: the behavioral theory of the firm, managerial cognition, issue selling, attention-based view, and ecology. At the level of the brain, neuroscientists have identified three varieties of attention: selective attention, executive attention, and vigilance. Attention is shaped by both top-down (i. e., schema-driven) and bottom-up (i. e., stimulus-driven) processes. Inspired by neuroscience research, I classify and compare three varieties of attention studied in organization science: attentional perspective (top-down), attentional engagement (combining top-down and bottom-up executive attention and vigilance), and attentional selection (the outcome of attentional processes). Based on research findings, I develop five propositions on how the varieties of attention in organization provide a theoretical alternative to theories of structural determinism or strategic choice, with a particular focus on the role of attention in explaining organizational adaptation and change.

Journal Information

This unique journal scans the globe for new research that draws upon multiple disciplines or levels of analysis: achieves genuine integration of theory, data, and managment applications; and improves organizational functioning.Artificial IntelligenceCommunications TheoryEconomicsHistoryHypercompetitionInformation ScienceOrganization theoryPolitical SciencePsychologyStrategic ManagementSystems Theory

Publisher Information

Ocasio 1997 Toyota

Ocasio 1997

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