Plots Means

Pilots means
  1. While the plot is what happens, the theme is the underlying idea or message within a story. The plot is concrete occurrences within the narrative, but the theme can be more subtle and even at times, implied. The theme can be harder to discern whereas the plot is more obvious.
  2. The definition of a plot is a marked off area that is intended for a specific use. An example of plot is a space designed to be used as a community garden.

A plot is a scheme, a story, a map charting progress, or a piece of land (as for a garden). To plot is to devise the secret plan, order the events of the story, or track your movement on the map.

Plots means tagalog

Examples of plots in a Sentence

  1. Sajjan Gohel:

    An attack like this is designed to create economic, political and social consequences, turkey has to realize that the pipeline that feeds ISIS from Turkey to Syria has to now be cut off, because incidents like this are not one-offs. This could be part of a series of plots.

  2. Andrew Parker:

    We believe that since October 2013 there have been more than 20 terrorist plots either directed or provoked by extremist groups.

  3. Fox News anchor Bret Baier:

    In 1978, 18 families in Chinas Wei Province made a secret pact to divded their collective farm into individual plots, they would work independently and each family could keep whatever profits they earned. If any of them got arrested, the others promised to care for their children.

  4. Mehmet Salih Takil:

    This is what the West fears. All plots of the Zionists, the freemasons, and the children of evil against Turkey will be foiled.

  5. Zhang Chunxian:

    There are Uighurs that have fled overseas and joined the Islamic State, the organization has a huge international influence and Xinjiang can't keep aloof from it and we have already been affected. We have also found that some who fought returned to Xinjiang to participate in terrorist plots.

Plot Means In R

  1. countable/uncountable literaturea series of relatedevents that make up the mainstory in a book, film etc. Asecond, less importantstory in the same book or film is called a subplot.
  2. countable a secretplan to do something bad, made by two or more people
    plot against:

    a plot against the government

    a plot to do something:

    The two men are accused of a plot to bomb an American plane.

    hatch a plot (=make it):

    Between them, they had hatched a clever plot to claiminsurancemoney.

  3. countable a piece of landused for a particularpurpose, for examplebuilding a house or growingplants
    1. a smallpiece of land in a cemetery where you are buried when you die

      a family plot (=where members of the same family are buried)
