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Web developers really hated .

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YouTube’s developers were so tired of dealing with the outdated Microsoft browser back in 2009 that they devised a plan to kill it, written by ex-YouTube engineer Chris Zacharias.

International plot consultant, author of the Plot Whisperer books for writers and founder of PlotWriMo, I help transform stories. As Secrets of Personal Transformation visionary, I help transform lives.

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Plot definition, a secret plan or scheme to accomplish some purpose, especially a hostile, unlawful, or evil purpose: a plot to overthrow the government. A Bland–Altman plot (difference plot) in analytical chemistry or biomedicine is a method of data plotting used in analyzing the agreement between two different assays.It is identical to a Tukey mean-difference plot, the name by which it is known in other fields, but was popularised in medical statistics by J. Martin Bland and Douglas G. Summary Plot Overview Scout Finch lives with her brother, Jem, and their widowed father, Atticus, in the sleepy Alabama town of Maycomb. Maycomb is suffering through the Great Depression, but Atticus is a prominent lawyer and the Finch family is reasonably well off in comparison to the rest of society. Look at a box and whiskers plot to visualize the distribution of numbers in any data set. You can easily see, for example, whether the numbers in the data set bunch more in the upper quartile by looking at the size of the upper box, as well as the size of the upper whisker. Box and whisker plots are great alternatives to bar graphs and histograms.

The plot was carried out without the permission of YouTube’s parent company, Google, says Zacharias who worked at the company from 2007 to 2010.

“IE6 had been the bane of our web development team’s existence,” writes the ex-YouTube engineer who is just now sharing the story about how IE6 met its demise . “At least one to two weeks every major sprint cycle had to be dedicated to fixing new UI that was breaking in IE6.”


A decade ago, around 25 percent of internet users were still surfing the web using Internet Explorer 6 even though more modern web browsers like Firefox, Chrome, and even IE8 existed. According to Zacharias, around 18 percent of YouTube’s own audience visited the site using IE6, forcing developers to maintain support for the browser.

Tired of dealing with the web browser’s constant crashing, security issues, and incompatibility with modern internet technologies, the team of engineers went rogue and decided to roll out a banner across the YouTube platform with a message only visible to IE6 users.

“We will be phasing out support for your browser soon. Please upgrade to one of these more modern browsers,” said the banner, which included links to download the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and IE8.

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The YouTube engineers were able to launch the banner thanks to a “specialized permission set” that they created “to cement their authority over the YouTube codebase” after Google the company in 2006. These permissions gave early YouTube employees “the ability to completely bypass the new Google-oriented code enforcement policies,” according to Zacharias.

The YouTube team had no power to actually end IE 6 support on their own. The plan was simply to deploy a scare tactic meant to lower the web browser’s market share.

Other Google product teams saw the banner and assumed YouTube received permission from management to deploy the message. Quick to also rid their lives of IE6, these engineers rolled out their own version of the banner urging users to upgrade to modern web browsers across Google’s services.

“Once [management] realized what had happened, they begrudgingly arrived at the conclusion that the ends had justified the means,” writes Zacharias.

The mission was a .

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“Within one month, our YouTube IE6 user base was cut in half and over 10% of global IE6 traffic had dropped off while all other browsers increased in corresponding amounts,” says Zacharias. “The results were better than our web development team had ever intended.”


By March 2010, Google officially for IE6 across all of its products. Other tech companies its lead. Usage of IE6 in the U.S. to less than one percent by 2012.

Unfortunately, while Microsoft officially killed Internet Explorer in 2015, it causes for its users to this day. Thankfully for YouTube’s engineers, it’s not their problem anymore.

14.1 Animation API

Both plot_ly() and ggplotly() support key frame animations through the frame argument/aesthetic. They also support an ids argument/aesthetic to ensure smooth transitions between objects with the same id (which helps facilitate object constancy). Figure 14.1 recreates the famous gapminder animation of the evolution in the relationship between GDP per capita and life expectancy evolved over time (Bryan 2015). The data is recorded on a yearly basis, so the year is assigned to frame, and each point in the scatterplot represents a country, so the country is assigned to ids, ensuring a smooth transition from year to year for a given country.

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FIGURE 14.1: Animation of the evolution in the relationship between GDP per capita and life expectancy in numerous countries.

As long as a frame variable is provided, an animation is produced with play/pause button(s) and a slider component for controlling the animation. These components can be removed or customized via the animation_button() and animation_slider() functions. Moreover, various animation options, like the amount of time between frames, the smooth transition duration, and the type of transition easing may be altered via the animation_opts() function. Figure 14.2 shows the same data as Figure 14.1, but doubles the amount of time between frames, uses linear transition easing, places the animation buttons closer to the slider, and modifies the default currentvalue.prefix settings for the slider.

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FIGURE 14.2: Modifying animation defaults with animation_opts(), animation_button(), and animation_slider().

If frame is a numeric variable (or a character string), frames are always ordered in increasing (alphabetical) order; but for factors, the ordering reflects the ordering of the levels. Consequently, factors provide the most control over the ordering of frames. In Figure 14.3, the continents (i.e., frames) are ordered according their average life expectancy across countries within the continent. Furthermore, since there is no meaningful relationship between objects in different frames of Figure 14.3, the smooth transition duration is set to 0. This helps avoid any confusion that there is a meaningful connection between the smooth transitions. Note that these options control both animations triggered by the play button or via the slider.

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FIGURE 14.3: Animation of GDP per capita versus life expectancy by continent. The ordering of the continents goes from lowest average (across countries) life expectancy to highest.

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Both the frame and ids attributes operate on the trace level – meaning that we can target specific layers of the graph to be animated. One obvious use case for this is to provide a background which displays every possible frame (which is not animated) and overlay the animated frames onto that background. Figure 14.4 shows the same information as Figure 14.2, but layers animated frames on top of a background of all the frames. As a result, it is easier to put a specific year into a global context.

FIGURE 14.4: Overlaying animated frames on top of a background of all possible frames.