Qt Slots Not Work

Benchmarking against Qt's signals and slots system is typically done with empty slots. As soon as you do anything useful in your slots, for example a few simple string operations, the calling overhead becomes negligible. Qt's system is so optimized that anything that requires. @JonB said in signal/slot not working. I meant, a new pair, one on newSerialData, one on wifiSetupAckReceived.Not 3 on one and one on the other! Wanted to check the two signals each behaved the same as you reported (one good, one bad) on new slots. The bad news is that any other datatype is not registered, in which case the connection will not work and we will get a warning on the console. The solution is simple: use the QDECLAREMETATYPE macro and the qRegisterMetaType template function — which by the way is exactly what the warning suggests you to do anyhow.

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  2. Qt is well known for its signals and slots mechanism. But how does it work? In this blog post, we will explore the internals of QObject and QMetaObject and discover how signals and slot work under the hood. In this blog article, I show portions of Qt5 code, sometimes edited for formatting and brevity.

I know this should pretty much work 'out of the box' if you pay attention to some details, which I tried to - but I must have missed something.

I have a worker thread which starts another worker thread let's call it subworker. The worker and the subworker need to communicate via signals and slots. I make all the connections from the worker thread, and all the connect() statements return true when running (also, there's no warnings reported in the debug output).

The relevant worker thread code looks like this:
//! The subworker will live in its own thread
subWorkerThread = new QThread(this);

//! Let it live!

bool ok = connect(this, SIGNAL(work(QString)), &subWorkerObj, SLOT(beginWork(QString)));
ok = connect(&subWorkerObj, SIGNAL(signalFromSubWorker()), this, SLOT(handleSignalFromSubWorker()));

Then inside the subWorkerObj::beginWork:
emit signalFromSubWorker();

My debugging shows me that the beginWork() slot is correctly hit, but after the signal from SubWorker is emitted, I'm not hitting the breakpoint inside the handleSignalFromSubWorker() slot.

Qt Slots Not Work

Qt Virtual Slot

Both classes subclass QObject (or a QObject subclass), both have the Q_OBJECT macro, and I made the slot in the worker public just in case.

Qt Slots Not Work Enough

I'd appreciate any help, even about how to better debug it.