Questions Du Manager

Best Scrum Software Every Project Needs. A powerful scrum software that supports scrum project management. It features scrum tools like user story map, product backlog management, sprint backlog management, task management, daily scrum meeting, sprint planning tool, sprint review tool, sprint retrospective tool, burndown, impediment, stakeholder and team management. (b) Professional Managers (c) Next generation (d) None of the above Question No: 29 A corporate manager who starts a new initiative for their company which entails setting up a new distinct business unit and board of directors can be regarded as? (a) Ecopreneur (b) Technopreneur (c) Intrapreneur (d) Social Entrepreneur. Assistant Managers Job Interview Questions and Answers. Question: Tell me about your qualifications as an assistant manager. Answer: Talk about your personal attributes, such as loyalty, integrity, ethics, ability to work under pressure, leadership and charisma, orderliness, etc. You can start your answer by giving examples; if you worked as an.

Leadership is not about titles. It is not about seniority. It is not about status, and it is not about management. Leadership is about power (varying sources of power) and the ability to know when and how to use it to influence the people around us to do and become more!

If you are deemed an effective leader, it will be because those you lead believe it so.

Harriet Green is the General Manager, IBM Watson Internet of Things, Customer Engagement & Education. The Harvard Business School grad splits her time between London and New York. 11 Things to Never Say in an Interview, According to a Hiring Manager. Key Manager Questions for Objective Setting and Goal Communication. Share this related course for employees: Managing Up. Corporate Leadership Council, Best Practices to Engage Employees, 2009. The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work.

Your team's or employees' needs will trump any preferences of inclinations you have for a preferred leadership style.

Varying workplace situations require different leadership styles and behaviors to be applied as appropriate. But it is more important that leaders appreciate and understand that we have a real responsibility to flex between various leadership styles so as to be responsive to different situations and develop those who work for and with us and who place their trust in us.

No leader will experience sustained success and support without developing and maintaining relationships or without meeting the needs of those they lead.

Regardless of any preferred leadership style, effective leadership occurs when we as leaders not only get organizational results, but when we build trust, develop competence and confidence, and transfer learning, understanding, and value to those who work for and with us.

These ten (10) sets of questions will help you determine the answer.

If you take the time to deeply contemplate these questions and then answer as honestly as you can, your own responses will actually tell you more for how effective your leadership style and behaviors are than any predefined/set definition for leadership. And believe me, your employees and team members secretly express their desire to have you ask yourself these as well.

  1. Are the people and the company better off as a result of my leadership? How do I know? On what do I base my response to this question?
  2. Do I provide resources and remove obstacles for my staff/team members? Am I even aware of what resources they need and where the obstacles are? How can I learn more?
  3. Do I create an environment for my team members to do their best work and be successful? What am I doing in this regard?
  4. Do those I lead trust that I have their backs, or do they believe I am just in it for me? Either way - why and how do I know?
  5. Am I comfortable with several “experts” being in the room, and how do I demonstrate that I value their input?
  6. Did I transfer learning, understanding and value to my employees or team members? What data or information do I use to substantiate my answer?
  7. Do I provide meaningful and relative feedback in a timely manner to my staff? What formats do I use? Is my feedback specific to position descriptions, performance goals and organizational strategy?
  8. What permissions do I give those I lead to challenge me and give me feedback, or does feedback only go in one direction (from me to them)? Do I learn from my team what I need to keep doing, start doing, or stop doing? How do I collect this information?
  9. Am I learning anything from my staff - my team - and, if so, what? Do I ever thank my staff for helping to develop me or enhance my leadership? How do I do this?
  10. If I am not adding value for those who work for and with me, why then am I holding on to the leadership position? Is it about pay, title or power? Or do I really understand that my own leadership efficacy is predicated upon the value I add to my team and organization?

Step it up a notch! Use these questions as a 360-feedback tool, and let others evaluate your leadership through these questions.

You could take this assessment yourself and/or use it as a 360-feedback assessment by providing your employees or team members the opportunity to evaluate your leadership effectiveness for themselves. If you do use it as a 360 tool, modify the questions from first person to third person and be sure to allow others to answer anonymously and voluntarily so they will be as truthful as possible.

360-Feedback Can Be Hard to Take In

As you receive and interpret the results of such a 360 assessment, you will have to prepare yourself for what you might get back. Put aside personal objections to the information you may receive. Be open to receive the results (positive and negative) and resist the temptation to denounce the findings. Even if you don't agree with something that is reported, make an effort to understand the responses by trying to see it from the respondent's perspective.

And by all means, do not make any effort to learn which individuals gave which responses on the reports, and do not retaliate against or confront any staff member for contributing to the process. Each person has his/her own experience with you. Your goal would be to learn how people experience you and whether or not you are adding value and where?

When assessing leadership effectiveness, remember this

Interpretations trump facts, effective leadership trumps position titles, and what our employees actually experience trumps any assertions we make about our own leadership efficacy. The final judge of anything exists in one's mind and is based on an experience. If we are deemed an effective leader, it will be because our employees and team members actually find value in our decisions and behaviors and deem it so.

You tell me -

  • Are you an effective leader? Whether you think you are or you think you're not, on what do you base your answer?
  • At the end of the day, do we want people to support, work for and follow us because they want to or because they are forced to?
  • Do you currently have any method in place to evaluate your own leadership efficacy? What?


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Thank you,

Terina Allen - Management Consultant Educator Author International Speaker


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Stress Management

The questions and answers on stress management have been designed in such a way that you will learn the subject in the process of answering the questions.

Q1. Which of the following statements is true

  1. In small quantities, stress is good
  2. Too much stress is harmful
  3. All stress is bad
  4. Only ‘1’ & ‘2’ are right

Answer : 4

Q2. Stress management is about learning

  1. How to avoid the pressures of life
  2. How to develop skills that would enhance our body’s adjustment when we are subjected to the pressures of life
  3. Both ‘1’ & ‘2’ are true
  4. None of the above

Answer : 2

Q3. Which of the following statements is true about stress management

  1. Stress management is learning about the connection between mind and body
  2. Stress management helps us control our health in a positive sense
  3. Stress management teaches us to avoid all kinds of stress
  4. Only ‘1’ & ‘2’ are right

Answer : 4

Q4. Which of the following are the basic sources of stress

  1. The Environment
  2. Social Stressors
  3. Physiological
  4. Thoughts
  5. All of the above

Answer : 5

Q5. Examples of environmental stressors are

  1. Weather
  2. Traffic
  3. Financial problems
  4. Substandard housing
  5. Only ‘1’ , ‘2’ & ‘4’ are right

Answer : 5

Q6. Examples of social stressors are

  1. Financial problems
  2. Divorce
  3. Loss of a loved one
  4. Job interviews
  5. All of the above

Answer : 5

Q7. Examples of physiological stressors are

  1. Menopause
  2. Giving birth
  3. Sleep disturbances
  4. Relationship problems
  5. Only ‘1’, ‘2’, & ‘3’ are true

Answer : 5

Q8. The following are the characteristics of Positive Stress

  1. It improves performance
  2. It feels exciting
  3. It motivates
  4. All of the above

Answer : 4

Q9. The following are the characteristics of Negative Stress

  1. It causes anxiety
  2. It feels unpleasant
  3. It decreases performance
  4. All of the above

Answer : 4

Q10. Which of the following statements is true

  1. Positive stress is short-term
  2. Negative stress can be short or long-term
  3. Negative stress can lead to mental as well as physical problems
  4. Negative stress is perceived within our coping abilities
  5. All of the above
  6. All except ‘4’ is true

Answer : 4

Q11. The following are the examples of negative stressors

  1. Unemployment
  2. Legal problems
  3. Divorce
  4. All of the above

Answer : 4

Q12. The following are the examples of positive stressors

  1. New job
  2. Having a child
  3. Buying a home
  4. All of the above

Answer : 4

Q13. Which of the following statements is true

  1. Habitual behaviour patterns like over scheduling, procrastination, etc. Can cause negative stress
  2. Thoughts like fear, worrying about future etc. can cause negative stress
  3. Both ‘1’ & ‘2’ are true
  4. None of the above

Answer : 3

Q14. Which of the following are the physical symptoms of anxiety

  1. Racing heart
  2. Sweaty palms
  3. Flushed cheeks
  4. All of the above

Answer : 4

Q15. What are the behavioural reactions to anxiety

  1. Avoiding situation where there are chances of experiencing anxiety
  2. Escaping situations when feelings of anxiety begin
  3. Both ‘1’ and ‘2’ are true
  4. None of the above

Answer : 3

Q16. Anxiety can cause the following moods

  1. Irritable
  2. Nervous
  3. Panicky
  4. Anxious
  5. All of the above

Answer : 5

Q17. What thoughts come to the mind when you’re under negative stress

  1. You think that you can cope with the situation
  2. You think that you cannot cope with the situation
  3. You think that everything will get fine eventually
  4. You think that you will get hep immediately

Answer : 2

Q18. The symptoms of stress can be divided in to the following categories

  1. Cognitive
  2. Emotional
  3. Physical
  4. Behavioural
  5. All of the above

Answer : 5

Q19. Which of the following statements is true

  1. Moodiness is a cognitive symptom of stress
  2. Moodiness is an emotional symptom of stress
  3. Poor judgement is an emotional symptom of stress
  4. Agitation is cognitive symptom of stress

Answer : 2

Q20. The following are true about the behavioural symptoms of stress

  1. The subject’s starts eating more or less
  2. The subject starts sleeping more or less
  3. The subject isolates himself/herself from others
  4. All of the above

Answer : 4

Q21. Aches, shallow breathing and sweating, frequent colds are

  1. Physical symptoms of stress
  2. Behavioural symptoms of stress
  3. Emotional symptoms of stress
  4. Cognitive symptoms of stress

Answer : 1

Q22. The following are true about the effects of stress

  1. Hair loss and baldness
  2. Spasmodic pains in the neck and shoulders
  3. Hypertension
  4. All of the above

Answer : 4

Questions Du Managers

Q23. What are the questions you need to ask yourself while you are assessing yourself for stress

  1. Where do you feel stress in your body
  2. How do you know when you are stress
  3. How do you react to stress
  4. All of the above
101 questions du manager

Answer : 4

Q24. Who was the first to describe the “fight or flight response”

  1. Walter B. Cannon
  2. Sigmund Freud
  3. Atkinson Potter
  4. Mrunal Sengupta

Answer : 1

Q25. Which of the following are true in relation to Relaxation Response

  1. It is a physical state of deep rest
  2. Eliciting this reduces your metabolism
  3. Eliciting this reduces your blood pressure
  4. All of the above

Answer : 4

Q26. Which of the following is true about eliciting the relaxation response

  1. Repetition of a word
  2. Passive disregard of everyday thoughts
  3. Both ‘1’ & ‘2’ are true
  4. Doing weight training

Answer : 3

Q27. Which of the following Mindfulness meditation techniques can help relieve stress

  1. Body Scan
  2. Walking Meditation
  3. Mindful Eating
  4. All of the above

Answer : 4

Q28. Which of the following are true about ‘mini-relaxation exercises’

  1. You can do them anywhere
  2. You can do them without eliciting attention from others around you
  3. It is most beneficial if you do it on a regular basis
  4. All of the above

101 Questions Du Manager


Answer : 4

Q29. Which of the following is true about ‘deep breathing relaxation technique’

  1. It can be self-taught
  2. It releases tension from the body and clears your mind
  3. You have to do this under-water
  4. Only ‘1’ & ‘2’ are true

Answer : 4

Q30. Which of the following are true about the ‘Guided Imagery’ technique

  1. It is like vivid daydreaming
  2. You need a hypnotist for this technique
  3. You need to rest in a sleeping posture
  4. All of the above

Answer : 1

Q31. Which of the following are stress busters

  1. Trying to find something funny in a difficult situation
  2. Developing a support network
  3. Taking a mindful walk
  4. All of the above

Answer : 4