Quotes 5 Words Or Less

A direct quotation reproduces words verbatim from another work or from your own previously published work. It is best to paraphrase sources rather than directly quoting them because paraphrasing allows you to fit material to the context of your paper and writing style.

Inspirational Quotes About Life and Success “If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed.” “111. “The more informed you are, the less arrogant and aggressive you are.” Short Motivational Quotes “112. Take a deep breath and remember who the fuck you are.” “113.

  • Nov 5, 2020 - Explore Maxine Chapman's board '5 & 6 Word Quotes', followed by 1182 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about quotes, words quotes, words.
  • Flickr.com / Kevin Lallier. Accept constructive criticism. Action gets results! Against all odds. Always add value. Always forgive yourself.

Use direct quotations rather than paraphrasing:

  • when reproducing an exact definition (see Section 6.22 of the Publication Manual),
  • when an author has said something memorably or succinctly, or
  • when you want to respond to exact wording (e.g., something someone said).

Instructors, programs, editors, and publishers may establish limits on the use of direct quotations. Consult your instructor or editor if you are concerned that you may have too much quoted material in your paper.

This page addresses how to format short quotations and block quotations. Additional information is available about how to:

Quotations are covered in Section 8.25 to 8.34 of the APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition

Short Quotations (Fewer Than 40 Words)

For quotations of fewer than 40 words, add quotation marks around the words and incorporate the quote into your own text—there is no additional formatting needed. Do not insert an ellipsis at the beginning and/or end of a quotation unless the original source includes an ellipsis.

Effective teams can be difficult to describe because “high performance along one domain does not translate to high performance along another” (Ervin et al., 2018, p. 470).

For a direct quotation, always include a full citation (parenthetical or narrative) in the same sentence as the quotation, including the page number (or other location information, e.g., paragraph number).

  • Place a parenthetical citation either immediately after the quotation or at the end of the sentence.
  • For a narrative citation, include the author and year in the sentence and then place the page number or other location information in parentheses after the quotation.
  • If the quotation precedes the narrative citation, put the page number or location information after the year and a comma.
  • If the citation appears at the end of a sentence, put the end punctuation after the closing parenthesis for the citation.
  • If the quotation includes citations, see Section 8.32 of the Publication Manual.
  • If the quotation includes material already in quotation marks, see Section 8.33 of the Publication Manual.
  • Place periods and commas within closing single or double quotation marks. Place other punctuation marks inside quotation marks only when they are part of the quoted material.

Block Quotations (40 Words or More)

Format quotations of 40 words or more as block quotations:

  • Do not use quotation marks to enclose a block quotation.
  • Start a block quotation on a new line and indent the whole block 0.5 in. from the left margin.
  • Double-space the entire block quotation.
  • Do not add extra space before or after it.
  • If there are additional paragraphs within the quotation, indent the first line of each subsequent paragraph an additional 0.5 in. See an example in Section 8.27 of the Publication Manual.
  • Either (a) cite the source in parentheses after the quotation’s final punctuation or (b) cite the author and year in the narrative before the quotation and place only the page number in parentheses after the quotation’s final punctuation.
  • Do not add a period after the closing parenthesis in either case.

Block quotation with parenthetical citation:

Researchers have studied how people talk to themselves:
Inner speech is a paradoxical phenomenon. It is an experience that is central to many people’s everyday lives, and yet it presents considerable challenges to any effort to study it scientifically. Nevertheless, a wide range of methodologies and approaches have combined to shed light on the subjective experience of inner speech and its cognitive and neural underpinnings. (Alderson-Day & Fernyhough, 2015, p. 957)

Block quotation with narrative citation:

Flores et al. (2018) described how they addressed potential researcher bias when working with an intersectional community of transgender people of color:
Everyone on the research team belonged to a stigmatized group but also held privileged identities. Throughout the research process, we attended to the ways in which our privileged and oppressed identities may have influenced the research process, findings, and presentation of results. (p. 311)
You Live Only Once
You live only once.
I don’t know if there is afterlife or rebirth, but I am pretty sure that we have this life. So if you want to do something, do it now. Say what you want to say, eat what you want to eat, listen to your favorite band and finish your unfinished projects. In addition to all of this, more importantly, start living because you live only once.
You are your choices
You are your choices -- Seneca
You are your choice, not others. If you want to do something, do that and if you don’t want to do that thing, don’t do that. Both ways you are right and no one is going to complaint about it, if you are firm in your decision. However, if you let others choose things for you, you are surely in trouble. And this is why you regret now because you have let others to decide it for you.
Just shake it off and start afresh. Make your decisions and stand by them. Because, in the end, you are your choices.
Whatever happens, take responsibility
Whatever happens, take responsibility -- Tony Robbins
Don’t regret if anything don’t go well according to your plans. People make mistakes and it is part of the life. But one need to move on. Just take the responsibility of what happened. Understand the cause of your failure, and improve yourself. Make a fresh start. This time, it is going to work.
What's done is done
What's done is done. -- William Shakespeare
Like I have said in my previous point, sometimes plans don’t work, even when they are the most amazing plans on the paper. This is life and deal with it. So what’s done is done. Don’t cry too much. Now move on. Learn from your past and make it count instead of crying.
LessUltimately love is everything. -- M. Scott Peck
You know what is the most powerful thing in this world?
If something bad happens, like you have labelled it. And still, your family and friends love you, you know it was not that bad. They know you have tried. It is just that things did not work out.
So be a sport. Don’t sit like a loser. Try again. Get it now. Because they love you and love is everything, you need in your life.
Too clever is dumb.
Too clever is dumb. -- Odgen Nash
They say don’t act dumb but they also say don’t act too clever. Because they know, acting too clever, end you up in the shit. So what you need to, just keep it simple.
Thoughts rule the world.
Thoughts rule the world. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
A single thought can change everything. It can make you do things that you believe you cannot do. Because thoughts rule the world.
Think outside the box.
Think outside the box.
I have heard it, a thousand times, think outside the box, but how? The answer is simple. Just don’t follow the herd. Listen to your heart (or brain). Do it like you want to do. It is not that you are going to succeed in your first attempt but you are going to succeed, eventually in your next few attempts.
Paint the town red.
Paint the town red.
Enough talk. Start working on what you want to do. Just Paint the town RED.

5 Words To Describe Yourself

Faith can move mountains.
Faith can move mountains.
Have a little faith in yourself. Because your friends and family have faith in you. Because they know, you can do it. You know why? Faith can move the mountains.
Follow your own star.
Follow your own star.
Don’t buy others. Follow your instincts. Follow your own star. Be who you want to be.
God doesn't make junk.
God doesn't make junk.
If you believe in god or not. Everything you can imagine is here for a reason. And so are you, because God doesn’t make a junk.
What is normal anyway?
What is normal anyway?
Think of a normal person if you can. Can you really define him or her normal? You will say, he is either bored or insane. So what is normal anyway?
Happiness depends upon ourselves. -- Aristotle
Happiness depends upon ourselves. -- Aristotle
Aristotle, once said, Happiness depends upon ourselves. By this, he meant, in order to live a happy life, one need to make his/her decisions, and stand by those decisions.
It's never too late.
It's never too late.
So what are you waiting for? It’s never too late to start again. All you need to believe in yourself.
Beginnings are always messy. - John Galsworth
Beginnings are always messy. - John Galsworth
Beginnings. Yup, they are kind of messy things. Even, you are going to fail, if you have not done your homework. But then, who said it is going to be easy.
Yes, No, Maybe So.
Yes, No, Maybe So.
Don’t confuse your mind with YES, NO or MAYBE SO. Just be clear, say YES or NO, and never get into Maybe so.
Never doubt your instinct.
Never doubt your instinct.
If you believe, this is the way to do it, this is the way, and if you don’t believe, this is not and then this is not. Never doubt your instincts, never get into Yes, No, Maybe So mode.
Work hard stay humble
Work hard stay humble
Don’t get carried away with your little success. Stay calm and work hard. If you don’t, you are going to end up where you first started.
Courage doesn't always roar.
Courage doesn't always roar. - Mary Anne Radmacher
The difference between really successful and marginally successful (or failed) people is that really successful people don’t show off. They treat everyone equally, and they speak through their work.
Tomorrow is another day
Tomorrow is another day.
Celebrate your little success, learn from your past mistakes, and remember, tomorrow is another day. You still have some work to finish. You still have miles to go.
Dance lightly with life
Dance lightly with life. -- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Don’t forget your family and love ones who are with you in your bad time. Now, you are successful, it is unfair to ditch them. Just be with them when they need you. Show them, you are the same person as you were in the past. Take out a moment or two, celebrate the life with your family and friends. Just dance lightly with life.
Just go for it.
Just go for it.
Now, whenever the opportunity strikes, just go for it. Because there is no time for waiting.
Ride like the wind.
Ride like the wind.
Take it easy. Ride like the wind and make the best out of it.
Nobody cares about it.
Nobody cares about it.
Nobody really cares whether you win or lose. Moreover, people who cares, going to be with you, in any case. So don’t think much about winning or losing, think about growing. Think about bettering yourself.

Inspirational Quotes 5 Words Or Less

Don't worry, be happy.
Don't worry, be happy.

Big Words

Listen to Bob. And don't worry, be happy.
Think Less. Feel More.
Think Less. Feel More.
Think less, feel more because thinking too much doesn't get you anywhere. So think less, feel it, and then bang it. ;)
Enjoy the little things.
Enjoy the little things.
Don't overflow with the moment; don't lose true self in the rush. Always remember, why you are doing this and what you wanted to be in first place. And sometimes, take a little break, enjoy the little things. Enjoy the moment.
Your Time is Now.
Your Time is Now.
It's your time. So Make a move.
Success and nothing less.
Success and nothing less.
This time, Success and nothing more. Because you know why.
No feeling is final
No feeling is final. - Rainer Marie Rlike
Always Remember, No feeling is final. Everything is just a start of something new. So what are you waiting for get into the task. And do report me, what are you feeling now. ;)

Motivational Quotes 5 Words Or Less

5 Word Phrases

Also read: 25 Powerful Two Word Phrases