Ryloth Species

Ryloth is a planet in the Ryloth System of the Outer Rim Territories, and the homeworld of the Twi'lek Species. It's terrain varies, filled with jungles, mesas, valleys, and volcanoes, and had an atmosphere breathable for Twi'leks and Humans alike. A forest covers the equator, filled with dangerous predators.

  • Ryloth Twi'leks are native to mountainous Ryloth in the Outer Rim. Because of Ryloth's strange orbit, half of the world is trapped in perpetual darkness, while the other half remains scorched by the sun. The Twi'leks inhabit a thin band of twilight between these two extremes, living in sprawling catacomb cities just below the planet's surface.
  • Homeworld of the Twi'leks, Ryloth is the second planet in its system. A dry and barren wasteland, it somehow inhabits the many species that live upon it. Disparity in its rotations causes short.
  • Ryloth is a planet from the Star Wars universe, and the home planet of the Twi'leks. The planet was occupied by the Separatists until it was liberated by Cham Syndulla who lead a brave resistance and Mace Windu and his loyal Clone Troopers. After the Clone Wars ended, the Galactic Empire occupied the planet with Cham again fighting to free Ryloth from their tyranny. After the fall of the.

Much to Learn You Still Have is a rundown of trivia and fun facts, both in-universe and behind-the-scenes, about the aliens of the Star Wars galaxy. Whether you’ve never set foot in a cantina or you’re a well-traveled Jedi Master, you’ll find the intel you need.

Ryloth species pictures

We’ve seen them dance in Jabba’s palace, fly the first B-wing fighter, and even ignite lightsabers as Jedi. Twi’leks are a species you can easily pick out of a crowd, but how much do you really know about the natives of Ryloth?

1. Always two lekku there are…unless you’re Orn Free Taa.

If you’re unfamiliar with Twi’lek anatomy, the long, tentacle-like tendrils growing out of their skulls are called lekku. Lekku are hyper-sensitive, and some Twi’leks can use them for grabbing and holding things. Though a damaged lek (singular for lekku) can mean big trouble and cause a serious strain to the humanoid’s health. Typically the Ryloth natives have two of them — that is unless they’re the portly, blue-hued Senator Orn Free Taa who has four lekku. Taa is also one of the only famous Twi’leks with a rotund figure as the species are typically of a tall and thin build. Fun fact: Hera Syndulla was originally described as a “short, motherly woman” in early Rebels concepts until it was later settled that she’d stand at a height of 5’9″.

Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know by Adam Bray, Cole Horton, Michael Kogge, and Kerrie Dougherty

2. Their language combines words and signs.

Speaking of lekku, if being able to grab stuff with your head-tails wasn’t cool enough, Twi’leks have a language that combines the spoken word and lekku gestures. If you ever happen to run into a Twi’lek with lekku pointed toward their back, you may want to head the other way. The language is aptly named “Twileki,” and you’ve heard it spoken before if you remember Obi-Wan’s adorable interaction with little Numa in The Clone Wars, and her sprightly declarations of “nerra” or “brother” to her clone rescuers. When outside Ryloth, most Twi’leks speak Basic, but when they can’t shed their accent as well as Hera Syndulla, they sound similar to what we interpret as a French accent. Though, if most Twi’leks are anything like Hera, slipping back into their native accent is common, as Vanessa Marshall explains here. According to The Clone Wars executive producer Dave Filoni, the French-inspired accent was specifically requested by George Lucas when a voice was given to Twi’lek Jedi Aayla Secura.

3. Ears are for men only.

Ever wonder what Hera Syndulla’s got going on under those flight goggles? Well, I can assure you that as a Twi’lek female she doesn’t have ears. Not ears as we know them, anyway. Women have cone-shaped hearing organs that they often choose to cover with some sort of head wrap. Twi’leks in the films like Aayla Secura and Oola had cones made from foam rubber so they were malleable not unlike real ear lobes. The male Twi’leks have slightly elfin ears but are mostly just like you and I…assuming you’re human.

4. Their beauty is their downfall.

Twi’lek females are known throughout the galaxy for being very attractive, and not just to Hutts. This has put them at risk for being captured and forced into slavery by sleazy crime bosses. The species’ homeworld of Ryloth, located in the Outer Rim, is a territory with dangerous predators and questionable terrain, often causing Twi’leks to live underground to escape potential harm. These conditions paired with the Separatist occupation during the Clone Wars may not have seemed much more promising than acting as arm candy for shady characters across the galaxy.

5. They run hot.

In the Han Solo adventure novel Smuggler’s Run, Commander Alecia Beck uses her cybernetic left eye to thermally read a suspicious Twi’lek. It is then revealed that the species runs an internal temperature much higher than other humanoid species. Twi’leks also tend to show even higher body temperatures when they’re particularly in fear. It makes me wonder just how overheated poor Oola got in that rancor pit. Sigh.

6. They dine on pests.

When clone troopers Waxer and Boil discovered little Numa in TheClone Wars episode “Innocents of Ryloth,” she seemed to be quite happy with the stick-shaped food ration they passed along to her. (Am I the only one dying to know what those taste like?) Though most Twi’leks would enjoy a different delicacy — mynocks! Yep, those bat-like creatures sucking back Falcon fuel in the space slug. If you happen to wander into a restaurant on Ryloth, order either a Mynock Cloud City or Mynock Coronet City. Both dishes are a spicy number with properly-seasoned portions of the screeching parasite. Though I can’t guarantee you’ll enjoy it, mynocks are supposedly strong and bitter to humans.

7. It’s not easy being Bib.

Bib Fortuna has always been one of the creepiest characters to me, and this creepiness didn’t come easy. Jabba’s majordomo and the first Twi’lek to make an appearance in a Star Wars film, was portrayed by actor Michael Carter. The process to turn Carter into the slimy, worm-like henchman was initially excruciating. The character’s complexity warranted eight hours in the makeup chair on the first shoot, though by the end was cut down to only about 58 minutes. The most intricate of the effects were Bib’s “air bladders,” or bubbles, made of foam and latex that were fitted into the actor’s brows and temples and inflated through off-stage-operated hoses, making them appear to pulsate. Dayglow orange contacts and claw-like finger extensions added to the creep factor.

Have any other cool Twi’lek tidbits to share? Let me know what I forgot in the comments below!

Dana Jennings is Lucasfilm’s senior content coordinator for StarWars.com. You may remember her from such polls and quizzes as, “Who Wore it Best?” and “Which Star Wars Character Should You Invite for the Holidays?” When not acting as chairman of the Nien Nunb Appreciation Society, she can be found working hard to make sure StarWars.com stays fully operational or dressing up as Crocker the cantina alien. Follow her on Instagram for all these things and more!


Twi'leks are tall, thin humanoids indigenous to the Ryloth system in the Outer Rim. Their most notable feature is the tentacle head-tails called 'lekku' that protrude from the back of the skull. These sensitive prehensile appendages serve both sensual and cognitive functions. In rare instances, individuals are born with more than two lekku, and this variation often affords them status.

Twi'leks are mostly hairless and their skin comes in many variations of color, spanning the rainbow. There are particular names for Twi'leks of each color:

  • Yellow and Orange: Tolian
  • Red: Lethan
  • Purple: Tyrian
  • Blue: Rutian
  • Green: Tukian
  • Brown/Tan: Darian

Red Lethan Twi'leks are a genetic rarity, like albinos of other species.

Twi'leks are omnivorous and possess multiple stomachs, an unusual trait enabling them to eat almost any food. On Ryloth, they cultivate edible molds and fungi and raise bovine-like rycrits, which they use for food and clothing. As the harsh climate of their homeworld is not suited to intensive standard agriculture, Twi'leks have historically found food sources wherever they can, and consequently traditional Twi'leki cuisine can seem a little 'eclectic' to outsiders.

Historically, Twi'leks do not constitute a major force in galactic warfare. As a culture, they generally prize subtlety and cleverness over direct conflict, and as such sometimes have a reputation as untrustworthy or disingenuous.

Ryloth Species Pictures


Ryloth is a dry, rocky world with a peculiar orbit that causes one half of the world to remain a barren, unlivable desert where the sun's rays constantly scorch the surface. The other side is always trapped in frigid darkness. Most of Ryloth's indigenous species inhabit the 'twilight' section that borders the light and dark side of the world, where the climate is more temperate. Twi'lek civilization includes large, urban population centers such as Lessu and Kala'uun, as well as underground cities built in networks of caves or dug into mountains, and primitive tribes eking out an existence at the farthest edges of the planet's habitable zone. The farther one travels from the cities, blistering heat storms and armored predators pose an increasing threat.

Because home-grown technology and spacefaring industries are extremely limited on Ryloth, Twi'leks have grown dependent on neighboring systems (as well as pirates, smugglers, and merchants) for much of their galactic interaction. One of Ryloth's main exports is its own people, and the planet has used slavery as currency since the time of its entry into the Old Republic. The slave trade is deeply entrenched, and often ignored by governments in power. Ryloth's other chief export is the mineral ryll spice, blooms of which are found in abundance all over the planet. Although ryll has medicinal applications, it's more commonly refined into a recreational drug, and its mining and trafficking fuel the planet's shadow economy.

Language resources for RP

Unless it appears in a canon source, it can't be considered canon, so take it all with a grain of salt. That being said, there are some resources out there for RP flavor:

  • Wookieepedia list of words/name compenents in Ryl.
  • Twi'lek lore by and for RPers, but there isn't much indication of what the sources are, if any.
  • A Universal Dictionary of Twi'leki Terms. That's right. Someone made this. From www.projecttwilex.com

Ryloth Species Movie

Sources/More Info

Ryloth Species Meaning

  • Star Wars: The Essential Atlas
  • Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Alien Species
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